Formation Workshop 2015


The first application round will start on the 29th of August 2015, 20:00 (CET).

The second application round will start on the 16th of September 2015, 22:00 (CET).

General rules for the application:

A maximum of 5 members per Affiliated Society (AS)/Prospected AS (PAS) will be accepted. Further applicants will be put on a waiting list. This rule does not apply to members of the IB (priority status). The waiting list is ordered on a first-come, first-served basis. All IB members should apply before this deadline. At this moment, the limit of participants is 30 (thirty). The participation fee for this event is set to 110 €.

  1. The 15th of September 2015, 23:59 (CET) – Deadline for the first round of applications

The first round of applications, called “Early bird” application period, includes filling a questionnaire in the application from which the applicant will be evaluated and accepted. Only a maximum of 15 applicants will be selected and accepted in this round, who will have a reduction in their participation fee, which is set to 90 €. The remaining applicants will be moved to the pool of applicants of the second round of application. A committee consisting of 2 IB members and 2 FoWo 2015 organizers will select these 15 applicants according to the questionnaire answers. The committee will inform via email the participants on the 16th of September 2015 by 21:00 CET. If not all 15 places can be filled the remaining ones will be filled up in the second round. Before this deadline there is no cancellation fee. Only one application per person is permitted.

If there are applicants not selected for the event on this application period, the committee will contact them and inform them the day after the 1st application deadline passes. The applicant will be given a choice either to become confirmed as a participant in the second application period or to cancel his/hers participation. The participation fee for these applicants will be 110 €. The applicant will be confirmed once he/she has sent a positive reply to the committee and if there are free places left.

  1. The 4th of October 2015, 23:59 (CET) – Deadline for the second round of applications

In the second round of application filling out the questionnaire is not mandatory and all applicants will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis for a total of 15 applicants. However, filling out this questionnaire shows that the applicant is highly motivated to join this event. All the remaining places will be filled in this round. The participation fee for applicants filling the application form in this period will be 110 €. If the maximum number is exceeded, the remainder of applicants will be put on the waiting list. If anyone on the participant list cancels, the first on the waiting list will take his place and so on. The committee will inform the participants until the 4th of October 2015. Only one application per person is permitted.

The applicants confirmed but not selected, as explained in the first application round, and applicants from the second application round will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis. If there are no free places left, the participants will be put in the waiting list.

  1. The 10th of October 2015, 23:59 (CET) – First deadline for cancellation

For cancellations after this date, the applicant must pay 25% of the participation fee.

  1. The 20th of October 2015, 23:59 (CET) – Second deadline for cancellation

For cancellation after this date, the applicant must pay 75% of the participation fee.

  1. The 30th of October 2015, 23:59 (CET) – Deadline for last minute cancellation & payment deadline.

For cancellation after this date, the applicant must pay 100% of the participation fee. This date is also the deadline for payment.

After this date participants list on the website can be considered as final.

We kindly ask you to think well about application to prevent last minute cancellations. In case you cannot participate please find the substitute. Remember that last minute cancellations are problem for organizers and other members that would be willing to take your place.

Privacy Policy

Any data collected will be held by EUROAVIA Rzeszów and International Board of EUROAVIA for commercial and administrative purposes. The collected data, apart from your mobile phone number, will not be shared with any entity or person external to EUROAVIA Rzeszów and International Board of EUROAVIA.

Your mobile phone number will be shared with the rest of the participants to make the coordination easier and the communication among us.


By sending your application, the user accepts the rules of application and the privacy policy. The user will also allow us to use his/her image once he/she applies.





Bank details:

Politechnika Rzeszowska

Bank account number: PL 29 1240 2614 1111 0000 3958 6445

Swift Code: PKOPPLPW

Please in the title of bank transfer, type: „FORMATION WORKSHOP 2015″ (and your first, last name)


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