Formation Workshop 2015


      Formation Workshop (FoWo) is one of the most important international events  organised by EUROAVIA association.

    A soft skills training event, such as the EUROAVIA Formation Workshop, aims to develop the team spirit and the leader qualities of our members. These skills can only be acquired and developed by having trainings from experienced and professional trainers. It is important to understand that these skills can only be used effectively by putting theory in practice. By having soft skills workshops accompanied by live practice of those skills, the success of  FoWo will be certain.

      Our workshops will be provided by highly qualified trainers from companies which are associated with the aviation industry. Although this time some workshops will be also provided by trainers from Electrical Engineering Students’ European Association (EESTEC). Their association has a training team who is specialising in soft skills and technical  workshops.  What is more, whole event will be monitored, recorded and analysed to achieve the highest quality of the  Formation Workshop 2015. After the event, every member will receive a feedback with detailed analysis of personal development.

The latest events of this kind that took place were:

Istanbul, Turkey2013

Bucharest, Romania 2011

Athens, Greece2010


Below  there is a program of all workshops and  a description of each:


Monday Trainings

Morning: Presentation Skills Workshop – Learn how to speak in public, in front of a big audience and overcome your fear of speaking in front of a large number of people.

  • Practice a presentation with the trainer individually
  • Practice a team presentation in a short amount of time
  • Create a presentation from scratch about a certain topic

fowo1Afternoon: Communication Skills Workshop – Learn how to convey and receive a message efficiently, traits of a good listener and a good transmitter.

  • Communication games between the participants
  • Mock-up interview in which the interviewer has to present a certain topic to the interviewer and assess if the interviewer has got the point


Tuesday Trainings

Morning: Team Building Workshop – Understand the group dynamics of a team while creating one, learn how the roles in each team are assigned and who fits best in which role.

  • Team roles – leader, facilitator, implementer, etc
  • Personality test to find the most suitable role in the team
  • Practice with team activities


Afternoon: Project Workshop (Project management) – Learn what principles are applied when starting, planning and executing a project.

  • Characteristics of a goal
  • Best practices for creating a plan to achieve the goal
  • Tools for planning
  • Team project workshop – Create a team and carry out the project requested by the trainer. All necessary resources will be given to the teams and the teams will have to assign roles and work together to achieve the goal set by the trainer.


Thursday Trainings

Morning: Project Workshop (continuation) – Same workshop but different goal. The results of Tuesday’s workshop will be used in this workshop in order to raise the level of the goal set by the trainer and experience what working in real-life conditions means.fowo5

  • Same teams will work to achieve a different goal based on the results of the previous workshop
  • All the challenges will be time limited and will include planning and presenting all the progress obtained
  • Final point: All teams will present their findings in front of organisers, trainers and participants


Afternoon: IB Workshop – The International Board will hold a workshop based on EUROAVIA itself and set a challenge for the participants.

  • Thorough presentation of the way EUROAVIA works
  • Overview of all the bodies and functions within EUROAVIA
  • Challenge set by the IB that will be carried out within a certain amount of time


Friday Trainings

Morning: Leadership Workshop – After working for a few days in a team it is important to know how a leader is created and how the leader acts within a team.

  • Leadership styles and philosophies
  • Reflection on how the team performed in previous workshops and how leaders performed and behaved
  • Team activities and games


Afternoon: IB Workshop Presentations – Present the findings from Thursday’s workshop in front of all participants, trainers and the IB.

  • Findings will be used by the IB for improving the status of EUROAVIA

